Monday, September 8, 2008

This Blog Has Moved..... 
HI.. I've moved the blog closer to my A2 Art Salon web site... so come and visit me at   I'll keep you entertained with my new look, new information, and better links.

See ya there.......

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For more information about A2 Art Salon, please visit my web site at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday 18th.. another great day at the fair. For the second day in a row, I spent my time down at the Street Art Fair.  There is so much to take in there, I had to give it a two day spritz. Of the four fairs that coexist on this long weekend each year, the Street Art fair that fills the streets over by Burton Tower, seems to have the most consistent level of fine art work. By that I mean, that booth after booth exhibits a high degree of talent, innovation and excellence. This fair seems to have the most dense group of experience in a variety of media that I have seen, and as a true Ann Arborite with years of art fair experience, I can knowingly say that once again the Street Art fair has raised the bar. It will be hard to list my favorite artists, but I will give you some Must Sees! among the must sees. 
I am drawn to innovative ideas, a good mixture of color and textures, and surprising details that an artist has incorporated. The experience of coming upon such finds is only heightened when I get the opportunity to meet wonderful artists behind their work. Laura Balombini,, was just such an artist. Her artwork is sculptural using mixed media, creating beautiful and imaginative figures. All seem to have a beautiful innocence on their faces, and exhibit a freedom to experience all of life. 
Another wonderful artist with captivating work was Mary Thomas, Mary uses watercolors to create simple, almost humble, paintings that manage to inspire a feeling of freedom and hope as she incorporates nature's beauties into her work. What Mary does next to take her work to an even higher level is a wonderful technique that elevates her watercolor works to a dream like state. She applies an overcoat that while it may mute the tones somewhat, it heightens the experience of her work. The overcoat marries all of the painting's elements while at the same time providing a protective coating that elimates the need for glass over the work. Fantastic, since glass glare can be such a barrier to some great works of art. Mary Thomas demonstrates amazing skill and impressive  knowledge of her meidas. 
Mark Traughber,, was another fun artist. While keeping a very urban look to his work, he managed to take me back to the days of my youth is an artful way. Mark takes some iconic images that resonate too so many of us and creates smaller wooden tiles or framed works. Many of the images are simply enjoyable, such as the picture of mowtown idol Aretha Franklin or the orange "Bo and Luke Duke" car. However, like every good artist, Mark's works also make us think. For instance, the Hummer with the word Sale collaged with it, or the baby with the triple X above it. I love that he can make us think about current life from a 4x7 piece of work. Keep it coming Mark...

I have so much more to say... but since we all lead busy lives, I'm going to need to cut off here. 
Get down to the fairs and treat yourself to a long stay a the Street Fair 

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ann Arbor Art Fairs -  The fairs are here! I've just gotten home from my first pass through and was impressed with what I found. In past years it can seem like as you walk the streets, you see so many of the same faces, with the same art work in the same locations. This year really felt different. We started down on Main Street enjoying the "The Guild" Art Fair portion.  Right off I was drawn into Doug Spalding's space ( I have been a big fan of his tile work for a long time.. seeing a sampling of it for sale year round the Ann Arbor Art Center, and owning a piece myself. Along with his ever amusing art tiles and sculptures, this year Doug won the prestigious award of having one of his tiles be the inspiration for all of The Guild's Art Fair souvenirs.  Posters, T-shirts... and best of all Bragging rights!! Keep up the great work Doug and congratulations. 

I was compelled to stop two more notable times along Main Street. A very talented glass blower from Providence RI by the name of Christopher Belleau really wowed me with his amazing Waves of Water created from formed blown glass in layers of blues and greens. Glass is such a unique art form and unless you've given it a try you may not realize the depth of skill that goes into the creation of a piece. I have never before seen creations like these glass waves and was truly impressed with their beauty. (,

Then a wonderful Ann Arbor fixture is "Fun & Functional Art" by Esther Kirshenbaum. ( We couldn't help but smile as we looked at each of the pieces. Using primarily metal, Esther Kirshenbaum creates wall art that is just what she says... Fun and functional. She cuts lively faces and personality into the metal and then forms it into functional wall hooks. So no matter where you hang it, there is a constant jovial spirit in the room for everyone to enjoy.

Then we headed up Liberty street. Liberty street was a mixed bag, broken up by the long block of 'non-profit' booths that solicit there. However, not to be missed was DK Glass.. 
with Glass City Putters. (  Here was yet another glass artist breaking all of the rules. What is the one rule of glass... Don't knock it with anything.. or drop it... Right? Well, David has proven that he is a true rule breaker, and a true artist as well.  Through DK Glass, he has created a golf club.. Made From Glass!!! If you are a golfer, or not, you can't mistake the true beauty of these clubs. They are putting wedges, with true golf handles and grips, then attached to the bottom is the hardened, glass, putter head. As with all hand crafted glass work, each is a one-of-a-kind creation that any stylish golfer would long to use on the course. These were beautiful, unique and Not-To-Be-Missed!!
There is a fantastic new round of art down at the fair this year and some extremely innovative artists representing a wide variety of media. I'll be back down each day this week and will share more highs and lows as I see them.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday the 15th... .. The townie party was lots of fun and I met some wonderful people. Thanks to everyone that stopped by and said "Hello" and to the folks that also took the time to record a message on my video camera. I will continue to collect footage so that I can compile a full program that will run on CTN. 

This week is going to be a very busy one for folks here in Ann Arbor. We have our nationally recognized Ann Arbor Street Fairs going and all the town is a buzz getting ready. I will be working on Thursday, Friday and Saturday down there helping out a few different programs. 

My next project is to work on adding to my Ann Arbor alliances through a fun and interactive program that I am heading up. I'll give more details on that as the activity develops. It is in the planning stages now and due to execute in October. Then in Jan and Feb I will be hosting some marketing seminars. If you are interested in signing up, please let me know since spaces will be limited to a very small group in order to make it most effective for everyone.

Peace - Love - Art

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A2 Art Salon
TOWNIE PARTY.... July 14th...  All Creative Types Unite! will give you the specifics on where and when the event is but to come and see me you must come to my table between 5 - 9:30pm. I'll be in the Arts Alliance Tent waiting for you to come over and say "Hi". Also, since I, and A2 Art Salon, is all about promoting artists and using out group unity to market, I am going to be offering a free marking opportunity to each of you. Don't Miss It!  I'll have a video camera and you'll have two minutes to share with the camera your name, your art... and what ever else folks should know about you.  Be sure to stop by. The video will be broadcast several times on CTN and I'll post the dates and times once I have that information. So, come on down with your marketing paperwork, and  that ever important information about you and your work.   I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Peace - Love - Art